Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Not Alone Series: Chastity

Linking up with Jen at Jumping in Puddles and Morgan at Follow and Believe for the Not Alone Series.

Living chastely {not just practicing abstinence} is a choice. Have you ever had to defend your choice to live out chastity? If not, why do you choose chastity?

Since chastity encompasses more than just abstinence, I would propose that the word "holiness" could be substituted in the question "Why do you choose chastity?" so it reads "Why do you choose holiness?" The answer to that question is quite simple: because God calls me to it.

Let's go deeper. The answer will not change, though, because if God calls me to holiness, then He will provide the grace and ability to be holy. The answer "because God calls me" is deep: do I fear God? do I want to obey God? do I believe that God enables me to do what He directs? do I want to be like Him? If even one of these questions is answered with a yes, then I need to choose holiness.

For my fourteenth birthday, my parents gave me a ring to be worn on my left ring finger. They didn't call it an abstinence ring or a "true love waits" ring. My parents presented me with a purity ring, to signify my commitment to purity in all areas: physically, spiritually, emotionally. They reminded me that my name means "devoted to God" and that this is an outward symbol of total devotion.

Wearing this ring reminds me to...

...guard my thoughts when I start to think a lot about a guy.

...keep my emotions in check.

...be careful about daydreaming.

...turn the page or change the channel if I read or watch something inappropriate.

...dress modestly, both for my sake and for the sake of those who will see me.

...make decisions not based on what others will think of me but on what God requires of me. 

Why do I choose to live chastely? I live a chaste, holy life because God has called & enabled me to do so.


  1. Isn't God awesome like that?!?! He won't give you a challenge without equipping you to face it. And that is a cute ring too! :-)

    1. This sounds weird, but one of my favorite aspects of Jesus is that "He pays for what He orders." :)
      Thanks! I love it still :)

  2. Well put, Rebekah. The choice to live chastely gets harder as the years go by, but at the same time it becomes more rewarding. Sacrificing to follow God's leading is the best place to be because you are receiving His best.

    1. Exactly, Catherine! If God has called me to it, then it must be the best! :)

  3. "make decisions not based on what others will think of me but on what God requires of me." Love this one especially, it is very easy to fall when we are always worried about what others think. Great post

    1. Thanks, Niki! I appreciate you stopping by :)

  4. Great post, Bek! :) And, beautiful ring! I have one, too! I got it when I was 16... and I call it my covenant ring! Most people have no idea what that even means, so I dumb it down and say abstinence ring. haha. Oh, the looks I get sometimes!

    Just livin' the Truth!

    1. Thanks, Jen! Covenant ring - I like it! Technically you could say that about your wedding band, too, right? :)
      The Truth is right! Thanks for stopping by :)
