Who is a great example of masculinity in your life {father, brother, uncle, priest/pastor, etc}? What do you love about them?
I don't know if I've ever said this explicitly on the ol' blog before, but I don't have any brothers. I have an awesome dad, an incredible mom, three amazing sisters, and no hermanos. Sometimes I've felt like I was missing some crucial element of life, but now I recognize that there are definitely huge parts of my growing-up years that I wouldn't change, even though they would be totally different if I had a brother. For example, my sisters and I all shared a room for a couple years. Yes, your math is correct - four girls, two sets of bunk-beds, two dressers, and a huge population of Barbies all occupied one room.
Obviously, my home has always been a female-dominated house {even our dog was female!}; my mom did an excellent job of teaching my sisters and me what femininity looks like, and my dad was pretty much my sole guide for masculinity.
{That was a really long introduction to sharing what I love about my dad. Bear with!}
I love that my dad...
- loves the Lord
- is strong
- holds my hand
- talks to me about anything
- takes care of me
- loves and dates my mom
- expects me to succeed
- plans and dreams with me and encourages me to dream bigger
- is comfortable working behind the scenes
- reads a variety of books
- does his research and then chooses to follow God
- has a special relationship with each of his daughters
- is a spiritual father to other girls who have entered our home
- has never made me feel weak or inferior for being a girl
- always reminds me that my husband will be God's best, not just someone who "can fog a mirror"
- is passionate
- is respected by other men
- has discernment
- is a go-getter
...that's a good start. I don't know if this really answered the masculinity question, but it does answer the "what do I love about" question, so there ya go.
Dad and me on the Christmas merry-go-round
Aww, I can see the family resemblance too! Cute picture and I love hearing about the awesome role models we have :-)