Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Feels of a Fangirl {Doctor Who Edition}


Oh. My. Gosh.

First of all, 71 days until the 50th anniversary!!!!

Second of all, HUGE shout-out to Samara for decorating our condo last night in honor of Ten! We had the TARDIS and glasses and images of Tennant's beautiful face and chocolate and oh yeah the Doctor Who soundtrack playing!!!! She's the best :)

Despite all that, this was me going into last night, knowing that Ten's time was limited.

And this is how I watched the vast majority of "The End of Time" although my mascara doesn't fall half as nicely as Rose's does.

Ten, you're my favorite. Thank you for every single episode, every laugh, every tear, and every "Allons-y!"

I heart heart you.


You see, while I was determined to keep an open mind about Eleven, I felt like this about him:
Skeptical. Concerned. Nervous he would never be as amazing as Ten. Distrustful, even.

But before "The End of Time" even finished, I knew that I would love Eleven. Not as much as Ten, of course, but enough. The next 3 seasons are going to be amazing, I'm sure.


Here's to a great new adventure, Eleven! Geronimo!



  1. What a lovely farewell! As much as we hate goodbyes, it is interesting that as the end draws near, we know it's time as well. 10's ending was the saddest ever!! But I'm so excited for you to continue the adventure with 11!! As his end comes now I feel the same, like it's meant to be, though I dread it :) Oh who. Geronimo!!

  2. Watching the second episode of season one tonight. We'll see if I become a fangirl. :-)
