Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What a Weekend!

Does it seem like Monday is Recover-From-The-Weekend Day? I need it! Thank God for Mondays.

Let's recap this weekend, because it was super fun! :)

First of all, Sister P and I watched Warm Bodies. Oh my gracious. This has just become one of my favorites! I think it hits this generation's sense of humor right on, and it's a sweet story. I might have to do a post dedicated to this film, or at least its soundtrack. :)

Secondly, I got another babysitting job! I had an interview with the lady Saturday morning, and now I'm scheduled for Friday night :) Her kids are cute, which is always a plus.

Thirdly, I went over the mountains to visit my friend Dahlia, whom you've met before. It was her birthday last month and her older brother's birthday this month, so they had a combined party! It was so fun! She has lots of extended family, many of whom joined the celebration. It was so good to meet the people that I've heard about!
I got to spend the night, which made Saturday really relaxing {since I didn't have to drive home the same day} and meant that Dahlia and I stayed up WAY too late!! Haha, when will we learn that we are too old to do that?!

Fourthly, graduation party! My house sister during MC's graduated from high school, which is simply craaaazy and awesome! Mom and I picked up Sister E and headed to the party, and it was super fun. Got to catch up with some friends and talk nerdy with Ashley...we are united in our love for British shows :)

Fifthly, we watched Warm Bodies again. We had to let E see it! :) So funny.

And now it's Tuesday and I'm celebrating by renewing my First Aid certification! Woot. Totes being sarcastic with the woot part, btdubs. In case you didn't pick that up. Or in case renewing your First Aid skills is super high on your list of fun things to do.

Anyways, hope your weekend was grand, folks!

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