Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Finish This: Week Nineteen

Joining the link-up fun with Nicole at Three 31, Jen at The Arizona Russums, Lisa at Coastlined, and Becky at The Java Mama.

A lesson I learned from my mom is always unplug the curling iron or straightener. I can't tell you how many times my family has been driving away from the house but had to stop so one of us could run inside and double-check the curling iron. Mom had this thing when I was growing up where, uh, she didn't want the house to catch on fire. Idk if any of your moms were like this, but it was important to my mom, so now I am a double-checker and unplugger of my hair straightener.

To burn calories, I head to a Zumba class! I've branched out and tried aerobic dance {my favorite! I'm now a regular attendee} and a circuit training class. Or if there are no classes happening, I'll put on my walking shoes and head down to walk out on the dock near my house. If I'm really dedicated/know that I've been lazy, I'll do this ab workout, but that's only when I've got a death wish pumped myself up for it.

My best hair day was in May in Kentucky - the humidity there is perfect! I know lots of girls fight the whole humidity thing, and while I don't like sweating in it, at least my hair looks fabulous!

I am grateful for one thousand things! For my parents, sisters, friends, church, home. For a car that runs. For living in one of the largest library systems in the world. For the ability to walk, move, dance. For freedoms and rights and the ability to initiate change. For favorite sweatshirts. For yoga pants. For nail polish. For Target. For new journals and old journals. For Jesus Who died for me.

Thanks for joining the fun! The hostesses requested that participants invite another blogger to partake, so today I'd love to invite Ashley! If you are not Ashley and you'd like to join, all you gotta do is add your post to the link-up or answer the prompts in the comments. Done and done. See ya next time!


  1. So funny about the plugging things in. I'm a habitual forgetter and it drives my husband crazy. He doesn't even like if my hair straightener and blow dryer are plugged in!

  2. I did a few Zumba classes while pregnant and it was fun, but I can't dance AT ALL. Thanks for joining the link up! xo, Nicole (co-host)

  3. Your mom is right. We had a house fire from a faulty lamp left on. Now I have a thing about turning off lamps. :)

  4. What a great lesson learned from mom! Funny how that stuck with you all of these years :)

  5. I'm stopping by from the link up.

    I LOL'd when I read your lesson from Mom because I learned the same and I also now panic if I drive off and can't remember if I unplugged my straightener

  6. I am so OCD over worrying that I didn't unplug my flat iron. Even a few times we had to turn back and make sure indeed it was unplugged. It ALWAYS has been, but that whole pit in the stomach worrying that it wasn't.
