Sunday, February 10, 2013

Danish Food, Crocheting, and Failed Pinterest Attempts

This weekend has been a blur! First of all, Laurie and I kicked off our weekend plans with a lunchtime trip to Chick-fil-A. If you have never been to one, you are missing out! So go there. Stat. I’m not paid to say anything about their company; this is called word-of-mouth/blog advertising and is how many companies are successful these days. So go.

Moving on. Laurie found out my birthday tradition of trying new ethnic foods, so she and her parents invited me out to The Farm to try Danish food. Their town was hosting a night of Aebleskivers and Frickadeller, so we went and partook. Now, for those of you non-Danes {I’m raising my hand, too-yay Scot-Irish!}, let me expound. The first non-English word you see there is basically a pancake batter cooked so that it more like a donut hole. It does taste like pancakes and you do pour syrup on it.
The second non-English word is like a meatloaf trying to be a meatball. That’s all. Both were very good, and it was a fun time.

Moving on to crochet adventures:

I don’t remember if I told you this yet, but Samara’s parents gave us the go-ahead to look for a place together! Woot! My BFF and I are going to be roomies!!! So exciting. So we’re totes plotting and scheming all the time, and I decided that I would attempt to make us some dishrags, pot-holders, and maybe even coasters, just for kicks. I’d been wanting to try a new stitch, so this was  a great reason! Here’s what I found and followed: double thick single stitch and it turned out great! The pattern was just a little hard to follow, but once I got onto the third row, it was fine.

I enjoyed that so much, and I was glad Mom had brought me my looooong hook, so I decided I would make a dishrag using the Afghan stitch. It looks like it was knit, but it was really crocheted {sneaky!}. Here’s the tutorial I used.

Then, I had just a bit of yarn left over, so I whipped out a little coaster just using double crochets. It’s only 5” in diameter, so not that big. Whatevs.

So since these crochet ideas were all turning out so nicely, I thought "I have that old shirt I’ve been meaning to re-purpose. Why don’t I do that today? So I looked on P.interest and found this:
Easy, right? Wrong. So very wrong.
Confession #1: I am physically unable to cut a straight line. And that’s with paper. Fabric? Just no.
Confession #2: I may or may not have been using the wrong kind of scissors. But that shouldn’t matter, right???
Confession #3: After realizing #s 1 & 2, I tried to instead use those tassel things to braid a headband together. But that instead brought about a renewed revelation of #1, so I only got 3 strips instead of the six I was going for in this tutorial, which basically meant it flopped.

So the moral of the story is, I rock at crocheting but not at anything involving scissors. Although technically crocheting involves scissors, but only at the end, and only one cut, so I’m fine there. So even though I don’t have a cool fringe scarf made from a shirt, I do have a freaking awesome pot-holder, dishrag, and coaster. Boom roasted.

1 comment:

  1. How fun that you guys get to be roomies! Let me know when the housewarming will be!
