Monday, May 2, 2011


God is so wonderful. Think about it. He created us, loves us, died for us, and now wants to intertwine our lives with His plans, even when we reject Him.

As storms move across the nation, as Osama bin Laden is killed, as our economy shakily regains its footing, as culture moves farther and farther away from God’s perfect plan, all I can do is trust Him. I thank Him that He loves me and that no matter how many times I fail or am failed, He loves me still.

There are no wise words here, my friends, but I think that as we contemplate all that goes on in our world, we must remember that God is faithful and God is sovereign. We do not have all the answers, but He does. I am reminded of William P. Young’s novel The Shack. When life doesn't make sense, God is there.

Personally, I think that trials in life are beginning to push me more into God. Not that they haven’t before now, but I think that running to God is becoming my first reaction instead of my second or third or whatever. I’m beginning to see His Hand more and more in my life, and not just in the “grand scheme of things” but in the daily, minute by minute things.

God is so wonderful!!!

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