Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sweet Chaos

Never thought I’d say that, but you know what they say: never say never. I guess sometimes chaos can be fun! :)

Why the chaos? I’m packing. Enough said.

Actually, not enough. I’m a good packer {is that even a real phrase??} and usually I can whip things out in a decent amount of time, depending on how much I have to pack. This time is different, though, because a) I’m packing up my dorm room- holy canoli, what a task – and b) I have one suitcase here, and then the fam is bringing more {and they’ll be here in 2 days!!!!}. So yeah. I think I’m as packed as I can be right now… one big suitcase and one carry-on full. Yep.

Anywho. My friend and I are going to the reservoir. Woot! It’s a lovely, 90* day, so why not? 


  1. Are you done with school now?!

    1. I have a final tomorrow (Thursday) and then I'm done! Wahoo! :)

  2. Congrats BEK! lol Finally realized who you were bwahahaha your crazy friend ;)

    1. you are crazy! hahaha how long have you been wondering?? lol
