Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year Craziness

Earlier today, I was stuck in a basement classroom, missing class, listening to the tornado sirens blare and my students either freak out or laugh in dismissal.

This isn't exactly how I thought Leap Year 2012 would go down, but I guess the weather wanted to have a party, so yeah. Moving right along.

My BFF and I are going to watch the movie “Leap Year” over the phone “together.” Yep. We are that cool. I’m so grateful for her. You can check out her awesome and beautiful self on her blog. Shout out to Lola! :)

This weekend is a church conference. I’m really excited to go, but right now I’m concerned about how to get ahead in my homework for it. Should I catch up on my capstone reading {level: intense}? Or should I read my two chapters for com class and be ahead {level: enjoyable and short}? Or do I work on my research paper that really should not be as hard as I’m making it {level: theoretically not bad, but really causing frustration}?

While I ponder my homework choices, I’m multi-tasking. Literally. I've got two loads of laundry in the washer right now- mad skill, I know. Oh, and now that I think about it, I can also be painting my nails. You don’t need to use your toes to read or research, so yeah. Try not to be blown away with my skills…

Sitting on my desk right now is a candlestick. A candlestick that I made. Heck to the yeah. My crafts class is seriously my favorite thing ever. The professor {a super cool guy!} told me today “you’re a pleasure to have in class!” How sweet is that! He’s a pleasure to have as a teacher, so I guess it’s mutual. Oh, and the super secret project that I’m working on is coming along! The prof said we may even use my piece in the demonstration on Friday, so yippee ki yay! And I’m taking pictures along the way, so once it’s not a secret anymore, you’ll get to see the whole process! So excited about that. It’s so freaking cool!

I talked with my amazing friend in Cali yesterday evening. We are going through such a similar process it’s scary. and cool. and crazy. and we are both realllllly excited to see what God’s going to do in our lives.
My sis emailed me these two songs, found here and here. I really like them both; the second one is pretty intense and amazing. Thank you, sis!

K, well, thanks for the help deciding which homework task to tackle first. As fun as blogging is, it doesn't help me graduate. and that is the goal, after all. So yeah. I’m off to paint the little toesies and to read…something. Whatever. This weekend will be awesome. Today is awesome. Tornado sirens included. Yeah. Peace out.

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