Monday, February 9, 2015

Oh Hey...'s February! And apparently I fell off the blogging bandwagon...

But fear not! Even though I was not pouring my heart and soul out into the blog-o-sphere, I did actually work on quite a few little projects, like submitting 5 doula homework assignments, interviewing a new mom, and picking out a rebozo {paid for by Victoria's generous donations of book proceeds!}!

Yes, Doula Adventures have kicked into high gear. People have asked me "how long does it take?" and my answer is "it takes however long it takes you" and I felt embarrassed that I wasn't further on the journey. I'm the only one to blame for that, and I'm sick of slow-poking along. 

So I'm taking it up a notch {or six} and cranking stuff out left and right. Hopefully I'll have some pieces to share with you, including a special guest review before the month is out. Cheers!

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